New online offering: London Review of Books


You’ve been asking for it for years, and we’re happy to say that you can now access the London Review of Books through the MIT Libraries!

More than just book reviews, the London Review of Books features essays by academics, writers, and journalists on a variety of topics, as well as art and film reviews, poetry, and letters that can be every bit as entertaining or informative as the articles themselves. The editors perhaps say it best:

“A typical issue moves through political commentary to science or ancient history by way of literary criticism and social anthropology. So, for example, an issue can open with a piece on the rhetoric of war, move on to reassessing the reputation of Pythagoras, follow that with articles on the situation in Iraq, the 19th-century super-richNabokov’s unpublished novel, how saints got to be saints, the life and work of William Empson, and an assessment of the poetry of Alice Oswald.”

You can access the London Review of Books through Vera, or by using this URL: