Author: mit-admin

Learn with the Libraries: Fall 2020 Workshops

Learn with the Libraries: Fall 2020 Workshops

Even though we are not all on campus this fall, you can still Learn with the Libraries! Click on a workshop for more information...

Social sciences
Learn with the Libraries: Summer 2020

Learn with the Libraries: Summer 2020

Even though we are not all on campus, you can still Learn with the Libraries this summer! Click on a workshop for more information...

All news
Globus now freely available for COVID-19 researchers

Globus now freely available for COVID-19 researchers

Are you working on COVID-19 and have large data you need to move about? Globus is here for you! Globus allows you to move,...

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Is your data FAIR or FOUL?

Is your data FAIR or FOUL?

Have you ever tried working with data that is Frustrating, Obfuscated, Unmanaged, and maybe even Lost? FOUL data can negatively impact all aspects of...

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Make your research more reproducible

Make your research more reproducible

Reproducibility is a hot topic. A 2018 Nature special issue on challenges in irreproducible research noted that “there is growing alarm about results that cannot...

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Learn with the Libraries: Fall 2019

Learn with the Libraries: Fall 2019

Learn tips that will help you with all stages of your research. Click on a workshop to learn more and register. October 1: Manage...

All news
Make your old media new again with a digital media transfer kit

Make your old media new again with a digital media transfer kit

The MIT Libraries Department of Distinctive Collections is excited to announce a new offering of old technology! Distinctive Collections now makes available digital media...

Archives & MIT history
Children’s picture book display at Hayden

Children’s picture book display at Hayden

Looking for a new and engaging picture book for the kiddo in your life? Or perhaps a book with large font, gorgeous illustrations and...

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Learn with the Libraries: Summer 2019

Learn with the Libraries: Summer 2019

Learn tips that will help you with all stages of your research. Click on a workshop to learn more and register. July 9: Writing...
