Author: Mark Szarko

Say “hola” to Mango Languages

Say “hola” to Mango Languages

We’re excited to announce the availability of Mango Languages, a leading language and culture learning resource, available online 24/7. Mango Languages includes self-guided courses that...

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Let the Libraries help you enjoy Boston’s best exhibits

Let the Libraries help you enjoy Boston’s best exhibits

It is the perfect time of year to take in one (or all) of the terrific art exhibitions open around town. Admission for three of the...

Art & architecture & planning

Announcing: South Asia Archive database trial

The MIT Libraries is test driving the South Asia Archive during the month of November. The South Asia Archive, a humanities and social sciences...

Social sciences
Rotch Library exhibit

Rotch Library exhibit

A small selection from the Aga Khan Visual Archive (AKVA) is now on display in the exhibit case at the entrance to the Rotch...


Supporting the MIT-Haiti Initiative

MIT’s Michel DeGraff, professor of linguistics, has been a long-time advocate of educating students in Haiti in their native Kreyòl. His work around the MIT-Haiti...

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New online offering: London Review of Books

You’ve been asking for it for years, and we’re happy to say that you can now access the London Review of Books through the...

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Going places?

Going places?

Whether you’re a taking a short vacation, going on a field trip, or doing some field work, you may want check out the Travel...

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Check out the complete listing of IAPril 2015 sessions

Check out the complete listing of IAPril 2015 sessions

April in the Libraries means an encore of many of our most popular IAP sessions! Pre-registration is required for some, but not all classes...

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Tips and tricks for advanced SciFinder users

April 17, 2015 11:30am - 1pm

This workshop will cover the following areas: Part I. Research topic searching Learn how to ask a question, and export analysis results for reports,...

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