Category: Scholarly communication

Open access downloads: August 2024

Open access downloads: August 2024

Statistics from the OA collection of DSpace@MIT

The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements. Each month we highlight the...

Scholarly communication
Open access downloads: July 2024

Open access downloads: July 2024

Statistics from the OA collection of DSpace@MIT

  The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements. Each month we highlight...

All news
Open access downloads: June 2024

Open access downloads: June 2024

Statistics from the OA collection of DSpace@MIT

The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements. Each month we highlight the...

Scholarly communication
Open access downloads: May 2024

Open access downloads: May 2024

Statistics from the OA collection of DSpace@MIT

The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements. Each month we highlight the...

Scholarly communication
News from MIT Press

News from MIT Press

Spring 2024

In July 2023, MIT President Sally Kornbluth and Provost Cynthia Barnhart issued a call for papers to “articulate effective roadmaps, policy recommendations, and calls...

Open access downloads: April 2024

Open access downloads: April 2024

Statistics from the OA collection of DSpace@MIT

The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements. Each month we highlight the...

Scholarly communication

Happy anniversary, MIT faculty open access policy

15 years on, OA grows and expands at MIT and beyond

On March 18, 2009, MIT faculty unanimously approved an open access policy, the first institute-wide one of its kind in the country. The OA...

All news
Open access downloads: February 2024

Open access downloads: February 2024

Statistics from the OA collection of DSpace@MIT

The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements. Each month we highlight the...

Scholarly communication